Why luxury condos when we need affordable housing?
Thurs, May 23, 2019
Whereas it has been declared and demonstrated ad nausea by governments at all levels and by The Record that the most urgent need for housing....
Gaza the world’s biggest crime scene
Friday, August 1, 2014
Where are the voices, professional or lay, that will describe and assess in so many words, and in truth, the vile subjection of a people to horrific punishment for daring to raise their heads?
It’s not always as simple as NIMBYism
Thurs, April 26, 2018
...a developer is a corporation and its interests are necessarily the increase in the quarterly rate of return on its owners' investment. Their interests cannot be those of the common people...
Force is no substitute for social justice, so let’s dismantle the police
September 14, 2020
Other agencies or officials can do much of what police do now. So let’s disband police forces and replace them with local community organizations.
Gaza shootings are war crimes
Friday, June 1, 2018
What's the appropriate response to Israel's shooting dead of dozens of unarmed civilians in Gaza on May 14 - a total of over 100 such killings since March 30 when the March of Return began
University in ruins
March 28, 2012
While awaiting the University’s response to this prima facie violation of the students’ right to freedom of speech and expression, it is worth reflecting on what about WLU’s culture makes such an occurrence possible.