Published in The Record on Friday, August 1, 2014
Other than the odd letter to the editor, I have yet to see or hear any mainstream account that adequately expresses the moral depravity of what we are witnessing in Gaza at the world's biggest crime scene.
Where are the voices, professional or lay, that will describe and assess in so many words, and in truth, the vile subjection of a people to horrific punishment for daring to raise their heads?
Who will call out the oppressor for their grotesque blaming of the victim? Who will stop censoring themselves for fear of the charge of anti-Semitism? Who's left in this country with any guts whatsoever?
The responsibility is the more onerous for us because our great Canadian leader and his sidekick proudly proclaim that we are Israel's best friend. We can't do enough to support them. Our arms industry sells them weapons. It's not that we pull the trigger, you understand, we just help load the gun. But if Gaza is the world's biggest crime scene and we help load the guns, that makes us accessories to murder.
The ones who care most for their own innocence are all the statesmen and politicians at every level, military heads and security and police chiefs, corporate chief executives and national media owners, university presidents and professors, news broadcasters, writers and editors who blithely ignore Israel's war crimes in Gaza's killing fields in service to power and profit, or what journalists call “balance."
The thing is, Gazans' suffering could be over in a second with a phone call from Washington. Just call off the hounds. Trouble is, we care more for our innocence than for law and order, truth and justice.
Peter Eglin, Kitchener